Driving Me Crazy! – Saturday, March 31

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

  10 Things that make me crazy: 1. Stuff that doesn't work. 2. Popcorn kernels stuck between my teeth or on the roof of my mouth. 3. TV stations that "pump up" the volume on commercials so they are louder than the scheduled program. 4. Missing parts or pieces. 5. Sales staff that lack the knowledge to help their customers …

I “Heart” REAL… – Thursday, March 29

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

  The world has embraced many "faux or synthetic" things but there are things that I want to be REAL.   I "Heart" REAL… 1. Butter. As a kid my family ate margarine. It was less expensive. Now that it is my turn to buy the groceries I hold out for the real butter. 2. Leather. I look at the …

oh my word “Realizations” – Wednesday, March 28

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., OH MY WORD!

Realizations   1. Everyone faces big challenges in their lives – I am always a little humbled as I get to know people, especially those who from a distance seemed to have "the perfect life." Without exception, life brings hardship, challenges, suffering… 2. I don't hate mushrooms – When I was a child I would not eat anything that included …

Spring Rituals – Monday, March 26

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

  Spring Rituals When a woman is in her last stage of pregnancy they say she is nesting. What is it about spring that brings out similar urges? Is it the improved weather, more daylight..? I am not sure; but, I know that when spring comes around I have the urge to: 1. Clean out my garage. 2. Paint rooms …

My fingers like to… Thursday, March 22

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

Some people bite their finger nails. Some people cross stitch or knit. Some people twiddle their thumbs. Some people click their pens and some people tap their fingers. . My fingers like to… 1. Doodle. I have been doodling on scraps of paper for as long as I can remember. 2. Write. I switched to a digital form of journaling …