Fresh Beginning – Sunday, March 25

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


A fresh beginning

I love that each Sunday brings with it a sense of "renewal." It's a new week and a new opportunity to evaluate "how I am doing" and make goals to do better.

This week I want to do better at:

1. Setting the dinner table – In our Sunday meeting, one of the speakers talked about the importance of having family dinner together. Our lifestyle lends itself to a lot of family meals together – which I love. But, we tend to kind of "throw meals together" at the last minute. So, the inspiration I got from the speaker was, I could be better prepared and set the table for a "special" family meal, at least once a day. 

2. Family Prayer – Something we try to do better at every week – and never seem to do good enough at but, we keep trying.

3. Scripture Study – ditto the family prayer.

4. Eating Healthy – Learning that Kevin's brother had a heart attack recently was a BIG reminder to pay more attention to those healthy eating and exercise goals.

5. Garden Preparation – The beautiful weather lately dropped a clue: It's time to get outdoors, pull the weeds, and plant more stuff.


What are your plans for this week? Add your list to our comments for a chance to win our weekly drawing.