I “Heart” REAL… – Thursday, March 29

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.



The world has embraced many "faux or synthetic" things but there are things that I want to be REAL.


I "Heart" REAL…

1. Butter.
As a kid my family ate margarine. It was less expensive. Now that it is my turn to buy the groceries I hold out for the real butter.

2. Leather. I look at the labels on shoes, purses, and furniture. If it looks like leather I want it to have the qualities of real leather. (Or at least know I am not getting leather.)

3. Sugar. I am not a fan of fake sweeteners that are hard to spell – like saccharine.

4. Wood. If it looks like wood I don't want it to be particle board that is covered with paper.

5. Flowers. There are beautifully made silk flowers, but they do not compare with the real thing. (Just ask any butterfly.)


photo of my garden 8/20/2010



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