Childhood Memories, Career Day

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.

Career Day Our school never had a Career Day – where parents are invited to come and tell students about what they do for a living. If they did I don’t think my parent would have been invited. Many children don’t pay a lot of attention to their parent careers. I was no exception. If you’d asked me what my …

Childhood Memories, Birth Order

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.

Pictured above: top row Denis (4), Chuck (1), Cheryl (Chucks wife – pregnant with my neice), Doug (6), and Stan (3). Front row Karen (7), Robert (Dad) Ruth (Mom), Joann (5), Bobby (2), Tami (8 – me). How did birth order play a role in your childhood? Being the youngest of eight: 1. I was called “the baby” by my …

Childhood Memories, Water Play

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.

What do you remember about childhood water play? My List: 1. Home made slip-n-slides. We’d find a long sheet of plastic and run the hose on it. (One of my fondest summer memories.) 2. Running through the Sprinklers. 3. Bath time – we’d stay in the bath tub until our fingers and toes were all wrinkled. 4. The Park Wading …

Childhood Memories, Back to School

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.

What do you remember about preparing to go “Back to School?” MY LIST: 1. My August birthday seemed to always include school clothes & supplies – It didn’t seem “special” since everyone was getting new stuff. 2. We began shopping for supplies at the beginning of August – though school didn’t start until the day after Labor Day. 3. My …

Childhood Memories, Reading Stories

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.

  My Favorite Books (or the ones I remember most) from Childhood: 1. The Snow Queen – my sister read this story to me out of a book that contained several fairy tales. 2. Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great by Judy Blume – a summer story I enjoyed. 3. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing – a book our …

Childhood Memories, Second Grade

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.

What do you remember about 2nd grade?  What do you remember about your 2nd Grade teacher? Was he/she fun or stern? Did you like to read? Do you remember the books you read? Did you like Math? Did you discover any talents you had or activities you enjoyed? Were you involved in any school programs or plays? What I remember about SECOND GRADE: …