Childhood Memories, Water Play

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.

What do you remember about childhood water play?

My List:

1. Home made slip-n-slides. We’d find a long sheet of plastic and run the hose on it. (One of my fondest summer memories.)

2. Running through the Sprinklers.

3. Bath time – we’d stay in the bath tub until our fingers and toes were all wrinkled.

4. The Park Wading Pools – a shallow pool (the deepest part was just a couple of feet deep). It was a great way to cool off if we couldn’t go to the big city pool.

Overlook Park wading pool
The wading pools looked just like this one (above) – The water sprayed out of the metal post in the center. It was fun to be there when they had the water turned on.

5. The River – on a more special occasion Mom & Dad would take us to the river or to the ocean for the day.