Childhood Memories, Reading Stories

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.


My Favorite Books (or the ones I remember most) from Childhood:

1. The Snow Queen – my sister read this story to me out of a book that contained several fairy tales.

2. Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great by Judy Blume – a summer story I enjoyed.

3. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing – a book our teacher read to the class – it lead me to Judy Blume and  “Sheila The Great”..

4. All the Children Were Sent Away – a story about the journey of young girl who was sent to Canada to live with relatives when WWII began.

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5. Jennifer’s Walk – a book that was a gift. I still have it – though it is in rough shape.

6. Sea Star Orphan of Chincoteague (By Marguerite Henry the author of Misty and Stormy). I read this book because on the cover was a horse with a star on it’s forehead –  who looked just like my brother’s horse (Suki). I loved horses and wanted my own house very much. (I never dreamed that I’d actually get to go to Chincoteague one day and discover that there is a statue of Misty in the little town.)

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What were your favorite childhood Books?