CraZy RandOm Life – I Remember – September 11

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

I Remember… 1. My niece McKenzie called me on September 11. She told me to turn on my TV. A plane had hit the world trade center. 2. We were talking and watching the news when the second plane hit. 3. My mind was saying, "Did that just happen?!" 4. I called my brother on the Pacific Coast – it …

First Five Memory Prompt: Lockers – Friday, September 7

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

There are lots of memories inside our minds – sometimes we just need a little nudge to coax them out. What are the First Five things that come to mind when you see this: image source national lock and locker My List: 1. This looks very similar to my Junior High School lockers. 2. We went to our locker between …

Happiness is… this week – Thursday, September 6

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

  What made me happy this week: 1. Picking up my daughter from her first day of HS and hearing all about her day. 2. Making progress on some of my projects. 3. Making fall plans (apple picking, weekend excursions, etc.) What made you happy this week? Add your list to our comments to be entered in our drawing. …

Oh my word “Honor” – Wednesday, September 5

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., OH MY WORD!

There are lots of memories inside our minds – sometimes we just need a little nudge to coax them out. What are the first things that come to mind when you READ this: What Honor means to me: 1. Keeping the promises I made when I married Kevin 26 years ago. 2. Being an example to my children and honoring …

CraZy RandOm Life – Like Mother Like Daughter – Tuesday Sept 4

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

Like Mother, Like Daughter. When I was growing up, I hated having a birthday in mid August. It was "school supply" time. Everyone was getting stuff, new clothes, new shoes, new note books & pencils… My parents were tight on money (after spending on the 4 kids still at home) and I ended up with a "school supply" birthday. My …

Happiness is… this week – Thursday, August 30

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

  What made me happy this week: 1. Kevin installed Mountain Lion on Cole's computer and got it running faster! 🙂 2. Buying a pair of cute red flats for Alexis. (She has wanted a pair of red shoes for awhile now.) 3. Getting boxes full of new scrapbook stuff and adding them to our site. (We have exciting …

CraZy RandOm Life – Tuesday, August 28

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

For me, this is going to be one of those Crazy weeks. My Crazy Week List: 1. Last minute school shopping. 2. Preparing for Cole's 8th Birthday this Sunday. 3. Praying for the people in the gulf (especially New Orleans & Mississippi areas) as we watch another hurricane knocking on their door. 4. Freshman orientation and open house today. 5. …