CraZy RandOm Life – Like Mother Like Daughter – Tuesday Sept 4

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


Like Mother, Like Daughter.

When I was growing up, I hated having a birthday in mid August. It was "school supply" time. Everyone was getting stuff, new clothes, new shoes, new note books & pencils… My parents were tight on money (after spending on the 4 kids still at home) and I ended up with a "school supply" birthday.

My youngest had a birthday this week and I found myself "sympathizing with my mom" after shopping & paying fees for my daughter's first year of high school. Thanks to all the fun licensed products available now, Cole didn't even notice that some of his gifts were 'back to school' supplies.

Screen shot 2012-09-04 at 8.41.52 AMCole's school supply birthday list :

1. Lego decorated pencils

2. Lego shape erasers

3. New jeans

4. New t-shirts

5. Flash cards

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