CraZy RandOm Life – Tuesday, August 28

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


For me, this is going to be one of those Crazy weeks.

My Crazy Week List:

1. Last minute school shopping.

2. Preparing for Cole's 8th Birthday this Sunday.

3. Praying for the people in the gulf (especially New Orleans & Mississippi areas) as we watch another hurricane knocking on their door.

4. Freshman orientation and open house today.

5. Preparing for Cole's baptism this Sunday.

6. Preparing for family coming in for the birthday & baptism.

7. I am behind on stuff – hoping to keep up (this is not the week to try to catch up!)

8. Last week to squeeze in a week day trip to Busch Gardens or water country! (Hope the weather cooperates with our schedule!)


Are you going to have a "crazy week"? Add your list to our comments to be entered in our drawing. Aren't sure how to leave a comment/List? Click here for the details.