First Five Memory Prompt: Lockers – Friday, September 7

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


There are lots of memories inside our minds – sometimes we just need a little nudge to coax them out.

What are the First Five things that come to mind when you see this:

Screen shot 2012-09-03 at 6.15.11 AM
image source
national lock and locker

My List:

1. This looks very similar to my Junior High School lockers.

2. We went to our locker between each class in Jr High school. (No one carried back packs in those days.) We got in a few brief moments of social time while getting books for the next class.

3. I had a similar small locker in high school – however, because I was new at the school I had to share the tiny locker with another randomly assigned student.

4. While I was at the office supply store recently I noticed a hot pink "locker shelf" – I bought one for my daughter who will be a freshmen this year.

5. A couple of "funny" boys decided to put me on top of a set of lockers when I was in high school. They tied my shoe strings through the lock hole and left me there. I don't think the lockers were very well attached to the wall because every time I tried to lean over to untie my shoes the lockers felt like they were going to tip over. After the bell rang, a teacher came down the hall and fussed at me for not being in class. I was pretty frustrated that the teacher was fussing at me without wondering how I got on top of the lockers or why I was there. (HELLO! I need some help getting off of here!)

What were the first five "Locker" thoughts that came
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