My fingers like to… Thursday, March 22

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

Some people bite their finger nails. Some people cross stitch or knit. Some people twiddle their thumbs. Some people click their pens and some people tap their fingers. . My fingers like to… 1. Doodle. I have been doodling on scraps of paper for as long as I can remember. 2. Write. I switched to a digital form of journaling …

Determination – Wednesday, March 14

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., OH MY WORD!

oh my word – Determination Most good things don't just happen – it can take a lot of determination to make and meet goals. Things that have taken determination in my life:  1. Graduation from college – I started college when I was seventeen. I was 36 when I finally got my degree.  2. Having Children – fertility pills, tests …

Best Year of Grade School – Tuesday, February 28

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.

Looking back, was there a teacher that really stood out or a year in school when everything seemed good?   My Best Grade School Year – 6th grade 1. I moved during the summer and started at a new school that year. 2. I made several new friends right away, including my best friend Shannon. 3. I had a wonderful …

Patriotism – Monday, February 27

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

  Patriotism When I was in first grade, I got in trouble for talking in class. After giving me a previous warning, my stern teacher asked scarchastically, "Tami, Do you speak English?" I replied, "No. I speak American." My teacher quickly offered punishment for my response. She thought I was being "smart" with her.  I was confused by her anger. …

Unpredictable! – Friday, February 24

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

This month has been unpredictable…   1. On Monday it snowed, Friday the forecast is for 80 degree weather, Saturday back down to 52 degrees! Seriously?! (It sounds like we are in for a “wild” weekend!)   2. Things aren’t always what you think they are. Cole wanted me to see what he had created (see photo above) I asked …