Patriotism – Monday, February 27

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.



When I was in first grade, I got in trouble for talking in class. After giving me a previous warning, my stern teacher asked scarchastically, "Tami, Do you speak English?"

I replied, "No. I speak American."

My teacher quickly offered punishment for my response. She thought I was being "smart" with her.  I was confused by her anger. I had answered her question honestly. (I had no idea that we spoke English.)

I can't say I remember exactly how my parents taught me about being American; but, apparently, they conveyed the message well.

So, with Presidents Day just last week, and Super Tuesday around the corner – (My home state of Virginia's day to vote in the primaries.) I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be a patriot.

 Here's my list – what being a patriot means to me:

1. Expressing love for my country by standing and putting my hand over my heart when reciting the pledge of allegiance, when the flag is raised or lowered, or when listening to the Star Spangled banner play at a gathering. 

2. Being grateful for US Constitution and for the men who were inspired to write it.

3. Being respectful to the men and women who serve our country as elected government officials: presidents, senators, representatives…

4. Having an "American Dream."

5. Being grateful for the sacrifices, made by so many people throughout history, in order to build our nation as free nation.

6. Supporting the military troops – praying for them, their families, and when they are away, praying for their safe return home.

7. Exercising my right to vote.

8. Teaching my children about America and our government so they can be good citizens & patriots too.



Are you a patriot? What does that mean to you? Add your list to our comments for a chance to win our weekly drawing.