I’ve Given Up – Saturday April 28

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


 I've Given Up…

1. Eating starchy foods – like bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, corn, rice… I am a "sugar addict" – eating starchy is basically the same as eating sugar for me.

2. Watching several TV shows that decided to take things too far for my comfort level.

3. Trying to get my kids to go to bed on a schedule. It never works out – something always comes up and we end up eating dinner late, staying out late, etc.
4. Tanning my skin. I am pale and I guess I am going to stay pale. Between the high risk of skin cancer and the fact that my skin just doesn't tan, it is a hopeless cause!
5. Curls. All through high school, college, and early marriage I got perms to help my hair have body and curls. Then curls went out and straight came in. (yay for me.) Curls are coming back again – but, I am not going back to those perms!

What have you given up? add your list to our comments for a chance to win our weekly drawing.