It’s My Life – Under Construction – Tuesday August 14

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


Life Under Construction

How many times were you asked as a kid, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Some where along the way people stop asking, but I am not sure I have finished answering.

Things I'd still like to be when I grow up:

1. A National Geographic Photographer

2. An artist – but I am not yet sure what kind of an artist. I'd like to continue exploring my options.

3. A Zoo Keeper (I loved the movie we bought a zoo.)

4. A Sheep Farmer in the Outback. (Sometimes I think it would be really nice to be far away from everything.

 5. An ad designer in a big NYC agency. (Sometimes I think it would be fun to be in the "middle" of all the energy & excitement in the big apple.)

6. A Disney Imagineer – this is my fantasy job.

Screen shot 2012-08-14 at 7.58.54 PM
Image from Disney Careers website – see the ball spin here.

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