It’s My Life – Favorite Fiction – Tuesday May 15

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


 My favorite fictitious couple is…

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett. I can relate to their story. 

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1. Elizabeth had a big "crazy" family (not so different from my own.)

2. Elizabeth didn't have a good first impression of Mr. Darcy. (He made a lot of girls swoon with his southern accent; but, I was not exactly excited about Kevin when he and I first met.)

3. Elizabeth didn't trust Mr. Darcy's motives. I was suspicious of Kevin's intentions.

4. Mr. Darcy, going against the judgement of his family/friends loved Elizabeth. Kevin's roommates told him he should give it up – I obviously wasn't interested in him. But, he didn't heed their council.

5. Mr. Darcy continued to do "acts of great kindness" for Elizabeth – even after she told him to "get lost." Kevin was kind and thoughtful – surprising me with notes of encouragement, flowers, and gifts – even though I told him I didn't have any interest in him beyond friendship.

6. Elizabeth came to realize that she was wrong about Mr. Darcy. I realized that Kevin wasn't – at all – the person I judged him to be when we first met.

7. Mr. Darcy won Elizabeth's heart. As much as I tried to resist, I couldn't help falling for Kevin – he won my heart too.


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