Happiness is…blessings – Thursday May 17

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


What Made Me Happy This week?

This has been a tough week with some difficult news. We all have days or weeks when our hearts feel heavy. I've found on those days that it helps to look for the blessings in my life.

Happiness is…

1. Friends – Especially those who trust that I am capable and strong, but, who offer their support anyway.

2. Shelter – Yesterday there was a big storm with lightening and thunder. I was happy to be inside safe and warm.

3. Reminders – After the storm was over the sun came out and it was gorgeous. I love how God reminds us – "this too shall pass."

4. Patience – mostly Kevin's. It is probably unfair that I depend on his patience so much but I am very grateful that he has it.


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