First Five Memory Prompt: Hydrangea Blue – Friday, September 14

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


There are lots of memories inside our minds – sometimes we just need a little nudge to coax them out.

What are the First Five things that come to mind when you see this:

Screen shot 2012-08-18 at 6.44.22 PM

My List:

1. I recently planted a Hydrangea in my back yard. Kevin and I bought it as a "memento" from the Elizabethan Gardens on our anniversary.

2. I am planning to plant a few more Hydrangea bushes on the east side of our home. When the plants get big I'll have fresh cut flowers for my table in the summer. 🙂

3. I have always loved the color periwinkle. The color is calm and cool, it reminds me of the sky at the ocean, and the name is fun to say.

4. Hydrangeas are one of my favorite bushes. I think Hydrangeas have a sort of old fashioned romantic charm.

5. Hydrangeas are blue when the soil contains aluminum and is acid (low ph).


What were the first five "Hydrangea Blue" thoughts that came to your mind? Add your list to our comments to be entered in our drawing.