Distractions – Friday, March 2

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


I remember hating "the news" growing up. We only had one TV. Since my dad was the "TV dictator," when he was home, the TV was always turned to the news (or sports.)

As an adult I have not been a big news watcher and over the years Kevin and I have watched less and less news. We found that life seemed better without all the negative & disturbing stuff from all corners of the world being filtered through our minds.

This year (the past two months) I picked up an interest in election news. I started out watching the debates. Then I started watching what the media had to say about the debates. Now I am like a news junkie. I've turned into my Dad – I am the TV dictator! (Thankfully we have more then one TV so my kids don't hate me.)

Sorry I don't have any pictures this week. The problem with being a news junkie is, I don't just see election news. This week I didn't accomplish as much as I usually do.

The week was filled with disturbing distractions:

1. Monday was sort of a blur. I was distracted from my usual routine by the news of the shooting at Chardon High School in Ohio.

2. Tuesday, we watched the news a lot and that evening listened to them announce the results for Michigan and Arizona primaries.

Saw a lot of stuff I would not usually see – fighting in Syria, Death's in Afghanistan, more HS shooting news, another Cruise Ship issue… (Don't expect to hear that I've booked a cruise any time in the near future.)

3. Wednesday – Leap Day – I was distracted by the severe weather reports – hoping my brother and his family, who live just north of Branson, MO were not affected by the storm.

Since it was an "extra day," Kevin and I took a half day off. We made a yummy meal and and watched movies with the kids.

4. Thursday – Still distracted by all the stuff that has been on the news, the shooting that killed three students, the severe weather that killed at least 12 people…

5. Friday – thinking if I want to get ANYTHING done I had better not turn on the TV  – or at least not the news!

And I must add this:

My heart goes out to all the people who have been affected by all of the horrible news this week. My sympathies and my prayers are with you all.


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