Childhood Memories, The Playground

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.


What do you remember about the school playground?


1. Most girls in 1st and 2nd grade (possibly all) wore dresses every day; so, I am guessing there was a lot of “underwear showing” because we all loved to swing on the monkey bars.

2. We had three recess times every day – a morning break, after lunch, and afternoon break.

3. The play ground equipment: jump ropes, hula-hoops, & soft bouncy balls.

4. In first and second grade the boys chased the girls and tried to kiss them during recess – I kicked one of the boys who got too close to me. He told the teacher I kicked him. I told her that it was because he tried to kiss me. I got a (sort of) stern talking to.

5. Playing jump rope with the long ropes (we had to “run in” and we got to jump until we missed.) Everyone took turns at both jumping and swinging the rope.

6. 3rd – 6th grades we were more organized. We played Kick Ball, Four Square, and Tether Ball.