Mosaic Moments Scrapbooking – Country Style

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., Mosaic Moments™

Add a little "comfort" to your pages!

ThanksgivingPoint wb

Jaime, a good friend, sent me some photos of her family at a petting zoo in Utah. The photos reminded me of county fairs. When I lived in the west I loved to go to the county fair and look at the displays of home made pies, prize pigs, and hand made quilts. (Our home county doesn't have a fair grounds or a big county fair; so, we haven't been to a fair since we moved to Williamsburg.)

I decided to add a simple border that would help convey that "country" life style on my scrapbook page. I cut several 1 inch squares out of patterned paper and then cut several of them at a 45 degree angle. Then I "patched" them together to create a new square. (See detail image below.)

ThanksgivingPoint detail wb


Things I enjoyed about the County Fair:

1. The animal exhibits – especially the rabbits and the chickens.

2. The art and photography by local artists.

3. The quilts and needle point.

4. The vendors – there was always some interesting new gadget for sale.

5. Fried Foods – especially elephant ears (YUM!).

6. The atmosphere – Walking around watching people have a good time.


Have you been to a county fair? Add your list to our comments for a chance to win our drawing.