Oh My Word, Dark – Wednesday, June 6

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., OH MY WORD!



In The Dark

For many young children the dark is a scary place and a night light is essential. Personally I have grown out of that phase. I enjoy the dark.


1. I love DARK Chocolate!

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2. I want to sleep in a dark room – even the smallest light can disturb my sleep.

3. I miss working in a darkroom – watching black and white images magically appear on the photo paper. (Someday I am going to set my equipment up again.)

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4. I enjoy taking walks around a city/town, in the summer, after dark.

5. I think roller-coaster rides are better in the dark.


My one exception to enjoying the dark -  I do not love to drive after dark. I am worried about jumbo rodents (deer) jumping out in front of us.

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