Mosaic Moments Scrapbooking – Stray Photos

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., Mosaic Moments™

Stray Photos

I have bins filled with "stray" photos. Some were duplicates, some were left overs – all of them have been sitting in bins way too long. It was time to make a decision – use them or throw them out! I decided to spend some time this summer making them into something useful – quick and simple 8×8 scrapbook pages.

 Alexis garden 8x8wb

The picture on the page above has always been one of my favorites of Alexis.  I think she felt beautiful that day.

Things I love about this image of Alexis:

1. It shows off her beautiful long neck.

2. How the sunlight is touching the ends of her hair.

3. The fun citrus colors in her dress.

4. The bright pink flowers behind her head.

5. The black fence and garden chair.

6. The way she is looking at the camera.

7. The subtle glow on the right side of her face/neck.


Challenge: Go through your "stray photos" and make some quick and easy pages on 8×8 grid paper. Embellish the pages using left over paper scraps. Post your pages on or your blog.

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