Mosaic Moments Scrapbooking – Think Inside the Grid

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., Mosaic Moments™

Think Inside the Grid!

You love the look of Photo Mosaics and Mosaic Moments Pages – the clean lines, the organization… but, sometimes you want to "roughen" things up a bit! It's okay – you don't have to give up one, to do the other.

Chicgo Park 2PG wb

Want to try a "messy" technique – but you still want to work on a grid?  Try giving yourself an area (a block or two) to work on – you can wrinkle and tear your paper, add circles, or set an image on an angle – no problem. (see detail image below.)

Chicago park-1detail wb

I thought it would be a good fit to add a bit of "grunge" to my Chicago page. I used an 6.625 x 6.625 mat I cut from cardstock as my foundation (for a grunge space.) I cut a sheet of Basic Grey Paper into a square, wadded it up, tore it up, added some creases, and placed it on top of my nealy cut mat. Then, before adding my photo, I tore the right edge – using a metal ruler. The "grunging" process gave me the opportunity to offer my "artistic statement" about the city (and it was fun.) 🙂


My city list…

 Things we saw for the first time in Chicago:

1. The Chicago skyline

2. Grant Park

3. Lake Michigan

4. The Brookfield Zoo

5. Couch and a chair art – decorated like cake.


CHALLENGE: Use a new technique or an old favorite that you would not usually do on grid paper.  (Share it on or your own blog) include a list of the things you saw or did.

Add your list to our comments for a chance to win our drawing.

Chicago park-1wb


Chicago Park-2WB

Supplies used: 12×12 Storm Mosaic Moments Grid Paper, scraps of Basic Grey patterned paper, Mosaic Moments PaperTiles.