Mosaic Moments Scrapbooking – Memorial Day

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., Mosaic Moments™

In Honor of Memorial Day

In honor of the Memorial Day Holiday I am posting one of Kevin's favorite's. A page I created after a visit to the Arlington National Cemetry.

Upon arrival at the Arlington National Cemetery a sign is displayed reminding visitors to please conduct themselves with dignity and respect. 

While we were in the Washington DC area, Kevin and I decided to take our children to see our nations most sacred shrine. The visit was a wonderful opportunity to teach Cole (5) and Alexis (12) about "dignity and respect"  as we talked to them about the cemetery, those who are laid to rest there, and how we can show our respect and gratitude for their sacrifice and service.

We walked through the cemetery to The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and watched as soldiers performed a ceremony, "The Changing of the Guards." All who are present are asked to remain standing, in complete silence, for the duration of  the ceremony.

Arlington 2pg wb

Cole is a typical 5 year old boy. He is a little on the wiggly side; but, he did a really good job during the ceremony. Kevin only had to remind him to be silent once, with a quick shush, when he started to make a little noise.

Challenge: I hope you will find an opportunity to create a scrapbook page about "respect." Share your values with your loved ones. Tell them about something you respect and how you show your respect.