First Five Memory Prompt: “Barn Red” – Friday, June 29

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


There are lots of memories inside our minds – sometimes we just need a little nudge to coax them out.

What are the First Five things that come to mind when you see this:

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1. My uncle has a red barn. We would play in it at family reunions that were almost always held at his house. One year he had a long rope attached to the rafters for us to swing on. It was really fun.

2. When I was little, I thought grandmas and grandpas all lived in little white houses with white picket fences and big red barns – out in the country. (I didn't have my own grandparents – so, I am guessing I got the idea from watching television.)

3. When I was 9-10 we had our own red barns (a few small ones and one main large one.) I loved to play in the big barn with the barn cats and the horses.

4. Silverdale, a town I lived in for many years (off and on again) has a feed store located on the main street in a big red barn like building. I remember watching them paint the mural on the side of the building. I used to buy feed for my rabbits there.

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5. I love to take pictures of red barns sitting in big green fields.


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