Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.




“They” say, when you marry someone you also marry their family. I never imagined that I’d meet and marry someone like Kevin. Who would have thought two (very different) people, raised so far apart, could have families that are so much alike?


A few facts about our BIG family:

1. Kevin and I are both the youngest of 8 in our families.

2. I have 5 brothers & 2 sisters — Kevin has 5 brothers & 2 sisters.
3. Kevin’s family was a coastal state family — My family was a coastal state family (we just lived on opposite coasts.)
4. Politics and Religion – are “on the table” topics. (No big disagreements.)
5. Neither Kevin or I knew our grandparents. (They had passed on before, or shortly after, we were born.)
6. Our parents have well over 30 grand-kids each – which means Kevin and I together have well OVER 60 nieces and nephews.  (I won’t even get started on the great grand-kids!)
7. Both of our fathers were talented gardeners. (Kevin and I both ate tomato sandwiches – with fresh tomatoes from Dad’s garden – growing up.)