Fire! Saturday, April 7

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.



The house is on Fire – list the things you would grab.

I would grab (after my kids and the cat of course):

1. My computer and the backup disk – where all my photos are stored.

2. The photo of my grandparents hanging on my living room wall.

3. If I had extra time I'd grab my purse and our important documents like insurance papers.

4. If I were upstairs I'd throw a few outfits out the window so I'd have some clothes to wear.

5. It would be really nice to save the cookie jar – I grew up with it. It is very sentimental to me.

6. My camera so I could take those last few shots of our house.


What would you grab? add your list of list ideas to our comments for a chance to win our weekly drawing.