Good-bye to Winter 2012- Monday, March 5

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.



Remembering Winter 2012


What I will remember or how I would describe – the Winter of 2012:

1. Tardy – the winter was warmer then usual – seemed like it was never going to get started; but, then it was cold and snowed twice in February.

2. Dangerous – saw a lot of avalanche reports on the news with people being buried and only some getting rescued. AND over 100 tornadoes ripped through the US heartland leaving much devastation.

3. Quiet – after having our oldest daughter and her husband with us all Summer and Fall the house seemed pretty quiet.

4. Political  – I don't usually watch the news; but, Kevin and I started watching the presidential debates – there have been A LOT of debates!


How would you describe your winter in 2012? Add your list to our comments for a chance to win our weekly drawing.