Recipe For…Mom’s Cookin’ – Friday May 11

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


Mom's Cookin

Things I remember Mom Cooking…

1. Spaghetti – Instead of tomato sauce Mom added tomato soup to the spaghetti – (she didn't like tomatoes).

2. Tacos – Mom didn't like spicy stuff so she poured ketsup on our tacos. I didn't know what salsa was until I ate dinner at a friends. I was a teenager by then. (I like salsa.)

3. Hot dogs with sauerkraut. I was the youngest so she didn't force me to eat the sauerkraut – my older brother and sister didn't think that was fair.

4. Sunday Roast – she let it cook while we were at church. Once we came home (mom had forgotten to turn the stove down) and the roast was burned so bad the dog wouldn't even eat it.

5. Fried Chicken. I always got a drum stick.

6. Cinnamon Rolls and Cookies (see my mom's simple peanut butter cookie recipe here.)

7. Runza – Bread rolls filled with a mix of hamburger, cabbage, and onions. (Mom got the recipe from my Aunt Jane.) She would make them in big batches and freeze the extra for quick future meals.

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images from google.

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