Receipe for…a family meal – Friday, May 25

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


Family Meals can be a challenge especially living in a house where everyone has different ideas about eating. Kevin is pretty easy – he will eat pretty much anything (but he thinks he should be able to put pepper on everyone's food (we don't like pepper!) I try to avoid certain foods and Alexis and Cole are both REALLY picky eaters – especially Cole who doesn't want anything mixed together or even touching on a plate.

Meals our whole family will eat:

1. Strawberry Crepes – This is a long process as each crepe is cooked individually; but, they are so good that everyone sticks around – waiting their turn for a second helping.


2. Pizza – a weekly Costco shopping trip tradition (because even though we all eat pizza we don't want the same kind – Costco sells it by the slice.)

3. Sunday Roast – a family tradition (passed down by my mom) with one alteration – we include extra carrots. At our house the carrots are more popular than the potatoes.

5. Crab Legs with homemade fries. Never a problem getting everyone around the table on a crab leg night!

6. Salmon – broiled or grilled we all love it.

7. Omelets – One of the best things about omelets, Kevin makes them to order. (my favorite: cheese, fresh spinach, fresh tomatoes, onions, a little sausage, and green olives – topped with sour cream.)


8. Pancakes – again made to order works best at our house. Cole likes shiny pancakes (plain with maple syrup on top.) I like to mix bananas & chocolate chips or coconut into mine. Lexi's pancake of choice changes with her mood. Kevin, well, he will eat pretty much any pancake you set in front of him, and he likes to try new combinations.


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