Gray Skies – Journal Prompt

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


There are lots of memories inside our minds – sometimes we just need a little nudge to coax them out.

What are the First Five things that come to mind when you see this:

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My List:

1. Kevin and I lived in Utah for the first couple of years we were married. I remember one morning looking out the window on a cloudy day and thinking how wonderful it was to see gray skies (that was unusual in Utah.) It made me realize how homesick I was for the Pacific Northwest.

2. The song lyrics:  “Gray skies are going to clear up. Put on a happy face.”

3. Winters in Western Washington – day after day after day it can be cloudy. I didn’t think much about it growing up there, under the clouds. I was used to it. We even had funny t-shirts that said, “Washingtonians don’t tan they rust.”

4. I love a sky that is mottled with storm clouds – such a great time for taking pictures!

5. We lived in a farm house surrounded by acres of land when I was a young girl. We rented some of the pasture for horses. One of the “renters” was an Appaloosa with a baby that had a beautiful gray speckled coat. It reminded me of storm clouds.


What were the first five “gray sky” thoughts that came to your mind?