oh my word “Embarrassed” – Wednesday, April 11

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., OH MY WORD!



We've all been there, right?

 1. Puking on the Shuttle Bus – I was almost 5 months pregnant with Cole. I was feeling relatively good that day; but, when we arrived at the convention center, the parking lot was full. We had to park in a lot across the street and take a shuttle bus back over to the main building. That doesn't sound like a big deal, right? But, it was a really cold day so the shuttle driver had the heat cranked up. A lady, wearing perfume, sat in the seat in front of me. (The combination of heat and perfume didn't mix well with my hyperactive sense of smell and weak stomach.) The next thing I knew my 7 year old daughter was yelling out, "Mommy you puked!" 

2. "Sadie Hawkins" turn down – I don't think the dance was actually called a Sadie Hawkins – but, it was a girls choice (girls ask the guys dance.) I took a big chance and asked a guy I didn't know. (I saw him several times at church and I thought he was cute.) He turned me down because he had a girlfriend. How did I not know this? She had been away but, was returning before the dance. Consolation – if I was going to be turned down, at least it was by a guy being faithful to his girlfriend.

3. Tags left on new pants – I thought I had gotten them all off – but no! The manufacture had a long sticker to display the pant size stuck to the back of the leg. I think I had only taught one or two classes before someone pointed it out to me.

4. Seeds or Green stuff… stuck in teeth – I am not sure I can count the times this has happened. Nothing like a green leafy smile to make a first impression!

5. Unzipped – I can't remember the details, just that it was embarrassing! 

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