CraZy RandOm LiFe – at the ZOO again – Saturday, June 16

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., OH MY WORD!


Have I mentioned how much I love the zoo?


While we were in St. Louis I took the kids to the Zoo. I may have forgotten one – but, I think St Louis may have been my 13th Zoo.

St Louis Zoo

We did the usual. I made the kids pose a lot, I took lots of shots of the animals, I bought frozen lemonade for a treat. (I don't think I am ever going to get tired of this stuff. I hope my future grand kids love the zoo.)

Thirteen Zoo's I have visited:

1. Washington Park Zoo – in Portland, Oregon
2. Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, Washington
3. San Diego Zoo – San Diego, California
4. Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City, Utah
5. North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro, NC
6. Zoo Atlanta in Atlanta Georgia
7. National Zoo in Washington DC
8. Phildelphia Zoo in Phildelphia, Pennsylvania (the nations first zoo)
9. Virginia Zoo in Norfolk, Virginia
10. Metro Richmond Zoo in Richmond, Virginia
11. Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, Illinois

12. Houston Zoo in Houston Texas

 13. Saint Louis Zoo in Saint Louis, Missouri


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